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Red Clover
RED CLOVER (Trifolium pretense) aka - Purple Clover, Wild Clover, Trefoil, Cow Grass

Red Clover has been used for treating cancer, bronchitis, nervous conditions, spasms, and toxins in the body. Herbalists consider it to be a blood cleanser and recommend this mild herb in formulas when using a cleansing program. Medicinally, the elements of Red Clover contain one of the best mucus clearing sources in nature. Red Clover is an outstanding herb, beneficial for all varieties of cancer anywhere in the body. Dr. Harry Hoxsey, N.D., who started the first cancer clinic in Mexico, used Red Clover in his treatments. It is the principle ingredient of the Hoxsey cancer formula; and it is often mixed with Chaparral and Dong Quai as an effective treatment for cancer. Red Clover is a highly nutritious plant that has provided, as a dependable source, many vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Its anti-biotic qualities have shown it useful against several bacteria, including tubercular bacilli. Red Clover is a tonic for nerves, acting to calm nervous exhaustion. It will strengthen the systems of delicate children. It is beneficial in wasting diseases, especially rickets, spasmodic afflictions and whooping cough, weak chests, wheezing, bronchitis, lack of vitality and too much nervous energy.

Red Clover

  • Primary Uses: Here are just a few of the maladies that Red Clover can provide relief for: • Acne • Aids/Cancer • Blood Impurities • Bronchitis • Leukemia • Liver Congestion • Nervous Conditions • Psoriasis • Spasms • Tumors
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