Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) was advocated as a wound healer by Hypocrites and has been used to treat wounds with excellent results. The leaves are often used as poultices and are excellent to draw out poisons, and or any debris imbedded in an open wound. It is very soothing for any sore or inflamed part of the body. It is a mucilaginous, calcium-rich herb and can be used to soothe and heal mucous membranes such as the lungs, digestive tract and bowels. Marshmallow will enrich the milk of nursing mothers and at the same time increase milk flow. It is effective when combined with blessed thistle as a nutrient for enriching mothers milk. It is a demulcent; internally it has a soothing effect on inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal and of the urinary and respiratory organs. It is said to ease the passage of kidney stones. It is anti-inflammatory by nature and is very soothing for any sore or inflamed part of the body.
Marshmallow Root Powder
Primary Uses: Here are a few of the ailments Marshmallow Root Powder can provide relief for: Asthma • Bedwetting and Bladder Issues, Boils, Breast Milk (increases & enriches), Bronchial infections, Emphysema and Lung Problems, Kidney Problems and Stones, Urinary Tract (inflammation) and Wounds (infected).