St. John’s Wort, (hypericum perforatum) has several noted origins. St. John’s Wort has been used for centuries as a sedative to treat mental disorders and nerve pain, to treat malaria, and as a balm for wounds, burns, and insect bites. Today it is used as a traditional remedy for depression, anxiety, and/or sleep disorders. It has been shown to have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and wound-healing effects. Due to its anti-viral properties, St. John's Wort may have a beneficial effect on patients with Hepatitis C, HIV, and AIDS. Studies have found that it may also help with psoriasis, sore throats, chronic coughs, sinus infections, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, arthritis, and nerve pain.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: it has been reported that St. John's Wort may interact with other drugs or its overdose may cause side effects such as dry mouth, headache, restlessness, confusion, dizziness, upset stomach, sexual dysfunction, and photosensitivity. Therefore, consult your physician prior to taking this herb, particularly if you are being treated for depression, cancer, HIV infection, heart disease, are on blood thinners (Digoxin or Warfarin), or birth control pills. DO NOT TAKE St. John's Wort if you are pregnant. Some individuals may be allergic to St. John's Wort, so contact your health practitioner.
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