Rooibos is a mild, reddish-brown tea. Naturally caffeine-free, this slightly sweet and nutty brew can be enjoyed any time. Origin: South Africa
Rooibos Tea
- Hot tea brewing method: Bring filtered or freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil. Place 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose rooibos with 7-9oz/200-260ml of fluid volume in the teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. Cover and let steep for 3-7 minutes according to taste (the longer the steeping time the stronger the brew). Add sugar and milk to taste. Iced tea brewing method (Pitcher): To make 1 liter/quart: Place 6 slightly heaping teaspoons of loose rooibos into a teapot or heat resistant pitcher. Using filtered or freshly drawn cold water, boil and pour 1¼ cups/315ml over the rooibos. Steep for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water. Pour the brewed rooibos into your serving pitcher straining the rooibos or removing the bags. Add ice and top the pitcher with cold water. Garnish and sweeten to taste. A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced rooibos is to increase the strength of the hot rooibos brew since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water.