Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus). Where mothers and babies are concerned, red raspberry is an herb made in heaven. It can be taken throughout a pregnancy with good results. It builds tissue to the extent that it prevents tearing of the cervix during birth. During childbirth, hemorrhaging is prevented, the contractions of the uterine muscles are regulated during delivery and red raspberry also reduces false labor pains prior to birth. For centuries, crude raspberry leaves have been used to aid in morning sickness, and to ease many menstrual problems. Raspberry leaf tea increases and enriches milk for lactation. It is an excellent herb for children to use for cleansing colds, slowing diarrhea, easing colic and fevers. The leaves have been used to clean cankerous conditions of the mucous membranes throughout the body.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Primary Uses: Here are a few of the ailments Red Raspberry Leaf can provide relief for: Bowel Problems, Childbirth (painless), Labor Pains, Lactation, Menstrual Irregularities, Miscarriage, Morning Sickness and Nausea, Mouth Sores and Uterus (Strengthens & Tones).