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Protein Powerhouse Sprouting Mix

Protein Powerhouse Blend Sprouting Mix contains: Adzuki, Garbanzos, Mung Beans, and Green Peas. Top off your salads or mix into your favorite stir-fry!

Instructions:  Soak (1/4 cup of seeds) 6-8 hours in 4 parts water to 1 part seed; rinse and drain.  Spread evenly in a sprouting container. Sprouts MUST be RINSED and DRAINED WELL 2-3 times per day during the growing period of 2-3 days. Expose to light 3-5 hours to develop color at the end of the growing period. 65-75 degree is ideal. Rinse the hulls away by immersing in a large bowl of cool water, separate the clumps, let hulls float to the surface, and skim off. This process will help prevent fermentation. Refrigerate in airtight container and rinse 2-3 times per day to maintain freshness.

Protein Powerhouse Sprouting Mix

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