PAU D’ ARCO BARK (Tabebuia heptaphylla) aka - Taheebo, Lapacho, Ipe Roxo
Pau D’Arco was discovered by the ancient Incas who noticed that while other flora disappeared in the hot, humid conditions of the Amazon jungle, Pau D’Arco still remained. It has significant anti-fungal properties. Quinone lapachol, a component of Pau D’Arco, has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. Several studies have tested Pau D’Arco’s effectiveness in treating cancer patients. Pau D’Arco is an effective blood purifier and is successful against many blood toxicity conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It also is a blood purifier and blood builder in leukemia and pernicious anemia and as a primary immune enhancer against viruses such as the flu, herpes and hepatitis. Pau D’Arco is a protector of the liver and helps to neutralize poisons that affect the liver. It helps reduce age spots and seems to have the ability to reduce tumors.
Pau D' Arco
- Primary Uses: Here are just a few of the maladies that Pau D/Arco can provide relief for: • AIDS/HIV • Diabetes • Eczema • Herpes • Immune Weakness • Leukemia • Liver Conditions • Pain (Cancer) • Parasites • Prostrate Problems • Rheumatism • Skin Cancer • Toxemia • Tumors