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Maple Cream Black Tea
It is believed that the first people to blend cream and maple syrup lived in Vermont during the 1800s. State legend has it that the son of a prominent maple producer chose as his wife the daughter of a local dairyman. For their wedding, they wanted to serve their guests something new, delicious, and wonderful. They concocted the idea of blending syrup with fresh dairy cream and voila, Maple Cream was born. The taste of this tea is second to none. Sweet, with slightly burnt undertones, this one is fantastic with a dash of sugar and a little milk. Brew a pot today and enjoy!

Maple Cream Black Tea

  • Cup Characteristics: Exquisite maple tea with sweet caramel flavor notes and a twist of creamy smoothness. Infusion: Bright and coppery. Luxury Ingredients: Black tea, calendula & sunflower & jasmine petals, natural flavors, and real maple syrup.
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