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Hawthorn Leaf & Berry
(Crataegus oxycantha) aka - English Hawthorn, Mayflower, May Bush, May Blossom

The Hawthorn Tree is regarded as sacred in the Christian tradition. Believers say that the crown of thorns placed on the head of Christ was of this origin. In fact, a grove of Hawthorn trees still stands outside of Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. Hawthorn has the ability to increase oxygen utilization by the heart, it increases enzyme metabolism in the heart muscle, and it acts as a very mild dilator of coronary vessels and serves as a peripheral vasodilator, thereby lowering blood pressure and reducing the burden placed on the heart. Hawthorn contains many different constituents that work together to benefit the heart and body. It can feed and strengthen the heart and arteries. It seems to work on the heart muscle to make it work more effectively and may even help a damaged heart. It contains some mild sedative properties, which can help when heart disorders are due to stress and with insomnia. Hawthorn is used primarily as a cardiac tonic valuable for the improvement of cardiac weakness, angina pectoris, valve murmurs from heart valve defects, an enlarged heart, nerves, depression or unexplained chronic fatigue. One of the most positive facts about Hawthorn is its safety - it is thought to be safe for long-term use, without side effects.

Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies Hawthorn may provide relief from:

• Angina Pectoris
• Arrhythmias
• Arteriosclerosis
• Blood Pressure
• Enlarged Heart
• Edema
• Depression
• Nerves/Anxiety

Hawthorn Leaf & Berry

  • Properties: Alterative, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, cCrdio-alterative, Diuretic, Sedative, Vasodilator. Primary nutrients: Choline, inositol, Vitamins A, B-complex, and C with bioflavonoids.
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