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Green Coffee Bean

“Green coffee" refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of coffee fruits. Research suggests that the chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee beans is the chemical that blocks fat formation and also interferes with the way that the body handles blood sugar. It has been shown, that caffeine and chlorogenic acid help reduce body fat and body weight. In addition to its effects in promoting weight loss, the chlorogenic acid in green coffee can reduce blood pressure. The caffeine found in green coffee has a positive effect on your mood and brain activity, it can improve reaction time, memory, alertness, focus, fatigue resistance and other factors of cognitive performance. Green coffee beans and their derived products contain multiple anti-oxidants, compounds that reduce the effects of cell-damaging free radicals in the body. This preventative function keeps you healthier by reducing the amount of damage and stress your cells experience. The chlorogenic acid anti-oxidants in green coffee beans reportedly can prevent the proliferation of four kinds of cancer cells, suggesting green coffee may be useful in preventing some types of cancer.

Green Coffee Bean

  • Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies that Green Coffee Beans can provide relief for: • Cancer • Weight Issues • High Blood Pressure • Memory Loss • Fatigue/Loss of Vitality
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