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Ginger Root

Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale). The active ingredient of ginger, ‘gingerol,’ is proven effective in preventing recurrences of so-called ‘little strokes’ by inhibiting an enzyme that causes cells to clot. Ginger is a warm blood vascular stimulant and body-cleansing herb and is used in respiratory and lung/chest clearing combinations. It is a system alkalizer and a stimulant for the digestive system. Ginger has a reducing effect on migraine headaches without the side effects found in synthetic drugs. It has been found effective in combating nausea caused by motion or morning sickness. Herbalists recommend ginger as a regulator of blood cholesterol. It improves blood circulation, especially to the hands and feet and is remarkable in alleviating menstrual cramps.

Ginger Root

  • Primary Uses: Here are a few of the ailments Ginger Root can provide relief for: Poor Circulation, Colds, Fevers, Sore Throat, Colitis, Digestive Disorders, Cramps, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Headache, Migraines, Morning Sickness, Vomiting • Motion Sickness (prevents), Menstrual Cramps

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