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Garcina Fruit
(Garcinia cambogia) aka - Mangosteen, Brindall Berries, Malabar Tamarind, Gorikapuli

Garcinia is a little-known fruit that grows extensively in India and Thailand, used for centuries as a condiment. There are approximately 200 different species of Garcinia, but only a few contain the active component in Garcinia, ‘hydroxycitric acid’ (HCA), which is similar to the citric acid found in oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. The Garcinia fruit is approximately 50 percent HCA. HCA appears to have potent fat-fighting properties. It is known to block the formation of fatty tissue, resulting in less storage of fat. The rind of the Garcinia fruit contains a high amount of HCA that combines with citrate lyase, leaving less of the enzyme available to form body fat. Garcinia curbs the appetite, which aids in weight control and obesity. It is also thought to help burn fat through thermogenesis. The thermogenic activity in Garcinia helps increase heat production, specifically in the brown fat, which is the body fat surrounded by blood vessels and energy cells that is harder to lose because it requires more heat (thermogenesis) to burn. Garcinia is known to slow down the conversion of excess carbs into fat and reduces sugar cravings. It has also shown to lower serum triglycerides and helps with catarrhal conditions of the throat, urinary system and uterus.

Primary uses:
Here are just a few of the maladies Garcinia may provide relief from:
• Excessive Appetite
• Obesity
• Weight-related Conditions

Garcina Fruit

  • Properties: Anorectic, Anti-catarrhal, Astringent, Demulcent, Thermogenic
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