Mim is in the Darjeeling area of Northern India. The genus of the Darjeeling tea bush is the Chinese ‘Jat,’ which gives it the distinctive muscatel character. The best time of the year for quality is during ‘second-flush’ (end May - end June). During this time Darjeelings are incomparable to any other tea in the world. The fragrance and taste is a complex bouquet that reaches right out of the cup. Some would describe the taste as nutty and reminiscent of black currants, but most often it is described as similar to the taste and fragrance of muscat grapes. Due to the superb taste and limited production of Darjeelings, these teas are quite expensive. There are 3 main times of the year for producing good quality Darjeelings: 1st flush - Springtime harvested teas from late Feb. to mid April. The young leaves yield a light tea with generally intense muscatel flavor with ‘point.’ A gentle, afternoon tea. 2nd flush - Harvested in June, these teas are more fully developed. The liquor is bright and the taste is full and round, excellent hints of muscatel. A superb afternoon tea that is especially good with scones and raspberry preserves. Autumnal - Not always available depending upon the weather, they are typified by a round taste and coppery liquor, excellent as a breakfast tea with milk.
Darjeeling Black Tea Blend - 2nd Flush- MIM
- Cup Characteristics: Good body with a classic muscatel character. This quality is only available during June when the 2nd flush growing season is at its peak. Infusion: Bright, tending light. Luxury Ingredients: Black tea.