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Comfrey Leaf
Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale) aka - Knitbone, Bruisewort, Woundwort

Comfrey has been used as a healing herb since 400 BC. It was known to have the power to encourage body tissue repair. The Greeks used it to stop heavy bleeding and treat bronchial problems. Dioscorides, a Greek physician of the first century, prescribed the plant to heal wounds and mend broken bones. Comfrey contains ‘allantoin’ which is a cell proliferant, stimulating new cell growth that increases cell production and thus supports rapid healing. Comfrey has been used successfully on any part of the body that might be injured. Comfrey (called “the knitter and healer”) stops hemorrhaging and bleeding. It aids in soothing inflammation and when used as a poultice can be applied to sore breasts, burns, wounds, swelling, and bites. Comfrey should be used externally to promote the healing of sores, muscles, bones and other tissues.

Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies Comfrey Leaf may provide relief from:

• Arthritis
• Bones (broken)
• Bruises
• Burns
• Sores
• Sprains
• Swelling

Comfrey Leaf

  • Properties: Alterative, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-tussive, Astringent, Bitter, Demulcent, Emollient, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Mucilant, Nutritive, Vulnerary Primary nutrients: Eighteen amino acids (especially lysine), calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, protein, Vitamins A and C, zinc
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