(Anthemis nobilis-Roman) aka - Ground apple, Wild ChamomileChamomile comes from the Greek words ‘kamai,’ meaning “on the ground” and ‘melon,’ meaning “apple.” While Chamomile is known as a soothing tonic that is sedative in nature and is often used for calming the nerves, it may cause allergic reactions in persons sensitive to ragweed, or the many varieties of chrysanthemum. Chamomile is also a stimulant, invigorating and strengthening to the body. It is one of the best herbs to keep on hand for emergencies. It has been effectively used for menstrual cramps, is excellent for bilious fevers and colds and can be used as a diaphoretic to induce perspiration. It has been reported beneficial as a remedy for nightmares (especially in children) and for a good night’s sleep. Research has found chamomile to contain properties that aid digestion and relieve indigestion; it works by relaxing and calming the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract. It actually works as an anti-spasmodic in relaxing the digestive tract. It is also effective for treating colitis, as well as being used externally for hair, skin, and inflammation. Chamomile contains a natural hormone similar to thyroxine that helps strengthen the hair and skin. It reduces redness, swelling, and inflammation in conditions such as burns, wounds, eczema, allergic reactions and other skin problems. The anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic components are attributed to the flavonoids ‘apigenin’ and ‘luteolin’ found in Chamomile.Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies Chamomile may provide relief from: • Anxiety/Nerves• Colitis • Nightmares (children)• Indigestion• Menstrual Cramps• Insomnia• Muscle Pains
- Properties: Alterative, Anodyne, Anti-bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-neoplastic, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Diaphoretic, Febrifuge, Nervine, Sedative Primary nutrients: Calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, silicon, tryptophan, Vitamins A, C, F, and B-complex, zinc