This tea is wonderful for your body!
It helps build support for your bones and blood. Oat Straw and Oat Heads help hold calcium in the body and are very high in Silica; they are stimulants and are rich in bodybuilding materials. They help reduce high blood pressure by reducing cholesterol levels, thus increasing circulation, with benefits directed to the brain and body. Alfalfa Is one of the most nutritious foods available. It helps the body assimilate protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients. Horsetail has large amounts of Silica that strengthens fingernails, increases the flow of urine and also helps hold calcium in the body. Nettle increases the flow of urine, shrinks inflamed tissues, helps blood circulation and purifies the blood. Boneset has been shown to contain anti-viral properties and strengthens the immune system by enhancing the secretion of interferon. It is effective against minor viral and bacterial infections by stimulating white blood cells. Yarrow acts as a blood cleanser and is good for colds, fevers, flu, lung disorders, nosebleeds, and perspiration. It also helps improve the function of the liver. Pau D’Arco, Red Clover, Comfrey Leaf and Yellow Dock are blood purifiers and blood builders – they are primary immune enhancers that battle against viruses such as the flu, herpes and hepatitis.
Blood & Bone Support Tea
Ingredients: Oat Straw, Spearmint, Oat Straw & Heads, Alfalfa, Horsetail, Nettle Leaf, Yarrow, Boneset, Pau d’Arco, Red Clover CS, Red Clover Tops Yellow Dock, Comfrey Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Strawberry Leaves, Bee Pollen, Ginger, and Vanilla Rooibos. HERBAL INFUSION: Bring water to a boil and turn off heat. Add 1 tsp. herb per 1 cup of water. Let sit covered for 10 minutes before straining. Always shake condensation from the lid covering back into the tea. Add honey or lemon to taste. Enjoy hot or iced.