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BLADDERWRACK GRANULES (Fucus vesiculosus) aka - Kelp, Sea Weed

Bladderwrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries for the stimulation of the thyroid gland and as a treatment for obesity and cellulite. The high iodine content of the herb stimulates thyroid function which boosts metabolism. It has a reputation in the relief of rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis and may be used both internally and as an external application for inflamed joints. It promotes the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails, it helps to balance the effects of stress, guards against sickness, aids digestion and respiration and generally promotes a healthy, functioning, balanced system. Bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron and high in some B-complex vitamins. It contains moderate amounts of phosphorus, selenium, manganese and zinc and small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and G. It also contains anti-sterility vitamin S as well as vitamin K. It is rich in algin and mannitol, carotene and zeaxantin with traces of bromine.


  • Primary uses: Here are just a few of the maladies that Bladderwrack Granules can provide relief for: • Acne (Thyroid Imbalance) • Adrenal Gland Weakness • Clogged Arteries • Eczema • Energy • Goiter • Hair Loss • Infection • Pituitary Gland • Thyroid (Low)
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