Red Raspberry is used to strengthen the uterus for an easier delivery, and to lessen bleeding during and after delivery. It is high in iron and helps relieve “after-pains.” Comfrey Leaf also lessens bleeding during and after delivery. Blue Cohosh is known to help relax the uterus, preventing false contractions. Black Cohosh is a safe sedative that helps contract the uterus and is used for the after-pains of delivery. Chamomile is one of the finest nervine herbs there is. Pennyroyal and Rosemary are used to initiate uterine contractions reflexively.
Ingredients: Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Chamomile, Red Raspberry, Comfrey Leaf, Pennyroyal, Ginger Root, Rue Leaf, Rosemary, and Celery Seed macerated in grape alcohol.
Birthing Aid