A pollen collected by honeybees, Bee Pollen is nutritious with a sweet flavor. The pollen is harvested from a low-pesticide-use area, no heat is applied and no mechanical processing is done, thus it can be considered a raw food. Completely balanced for vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzyme precursors and all essential amino acids, it is a complete blood building food that rejuvenates and is especially beneficial for rebuilding the body from illness. It is often used as an antidote during allergy season. Bee Pollen also relieves other respiratory problems such as bronchitis, sinusitis and colds.
Bee Pollen Powder
Primary uses: Here are just a few of the issues Bee Pollen can provide relief for: Appetite stimulant, Energy (lack of), Exhaustion, Fatigue (builds energy), Hayfever, Immune Deficiency.