ASHWAGANDA POWDER: (Withania somnifera) aka - Winter Cherry Ashwaganda, sometimes named “winter cherry,” is the main tonic, especially for men. Unlike ginseng, Ashwaganda is not stimulating, but rather relaxing. That allows much higher doses to be taken, with no overstimulation. Ashwaganda is a superb remedy for nervous exhaustion. Ashwaganda is a noted sexual and stamina tonic. In addition to its sexual action, Ayurvedic herbalism uses Ashwaganda for general debility and exhaustion, emaciation, memory loss, nerve diseases, cough, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and chronic heart and vascular disorders. As well as being a slow-acting tonic herb, Ashwaganda is a superb herb for treating chronic anxiety. It takes about a week to work up to the proper dose, and about another week for the herb to reach maximum effectiveness. Since Ashwaganda is a slow-acting herb, you may take your daily dose at any time during the day. Used this way, Ashwaganda prevents the onset of the anxiety episode. Use this herb to re-establish long term sleep rhythms. Rather than making you sleepy when you take the herb, this remedy seems to regulate sleep cycles over time, facilitating more refreshing sleep. Ashwaganda is showing a variety of benefits for cardiovascular functions, including a significant increase in coagulation time (blood thinning), which may also help impotence. It also has anti-oxidant activity in the brain.
Ashwaganda Powder
- Actions: Tonic, rejuvanitive, nervine, aphrodisiac, astringent, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. Used for: • General Debility • Sexual Debility • Nervous Exhaustion • Emaciation of Children • Insomnia • Weak Eyes • Skin Problems • Rheumatism • Cough/Breathing Difficulties • Anemia/Fatigue Preparation and dose: A typical dose of Ashwaganda is about a gram per day (1/2oz), taken over long periods as a rejuvenator, but, since Ashwaganda is very safe, larger doses are often used short term.