Arjuna Powder (Terminalia arjuna) Heart tonic, Ulcer healing, Diabetic ulcers, Urinary disorders, diabetic problems, reduces fat tissue, diuretic, aphrodisiac, purifies excess pitta from the body. Stops bleeding, Mends bones, Constipative, alleviates coughs and breathing disorders, Conquers Kapha and pita and Alleviates urtcaria. Aids congestive heart failure, Angina, Cardiac Arrhythmia and hypertension. Used for a"broken heart". Srengthens muscles of the heart, tones capillaries and improves fleibility. Aids in lung health, Cirrhosis, clearing skin, scars, post-operative recovery and fracture repair.
Arjuna Powder
- Actions: Astringent, rejuvanitive, expectorant, laxative, anthelmintic, antiseptic, and lithotriptic. Used for preventing: • Sore throat • Cough/Bronchitis/Laryngitis • Catarrh • Stones • Dysentery • Chronic Diarrhea • Parasites • Eye disease